حلول الدرس 3

1- 4 child parent ImageView , “Hiking” TextView and “we hiked up the mountain” TextView 2- 1- This ViewGroups is…

حلول الدرس 11

1- – my be we need 4 screens for this app . -group the words . -click any group to…

حلول الدرس 14

2- -modify list item layout include button -handle play audio file on click -add all audio files -modify word class…

حلول الدرس 13

3- 1 3 4 2 5- image folder maintain images for the Screen resolution. for multiple screens resolution 8- private…

حلول الدرس 12

2- array of Strings integer array of Strings boolean array of integers array of floats 3- option3 4- String 10…

حلول الدرس 10

1- TextView , CheckBox view at top Vertical linear layout style TextView the same as other headers. padding/margin to meet…